The Development of Kanom Saneh Chan Product for Health

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Chaladda Yimyene
Nomjit Suteebut


The objective of this research wears to 1) study the basic recipe of Kanom Saneh Chan. 2) Study the effect of using stevia as a substitute for granulated sugar and cereal cream in the Saneh Chan recipe. and 3) study the nutritional value of Saneh Chan desserts that use stevia sugar instead of partial granulated sugar and cereal cream instead of coconut milk. By evaluating the quality of the sensory test in terms of appearance using the 9-Point Hedonic scale. Research results with experimental planning and static analysis was found that 1) The basic recipe of Saneh Chan that was selected contained 110 grams of rice flour, 15 grams of glutinous rice flour, 250 grams of coconut milk, 185 grams of granulated sugar, 420 grams of egg yolk, 0.5 grams of ground nutmeg powder, and yellow and brown food coloring. 2) The developed recipe uses stevia sugar instead of 50% granulated sugar and cereal cream instead of 100% coconut milk. 3) The nutritional value of Khanom Saneh Chan, which uses 50% stevia sugar and 100 cereal cream, has nutritional values like the basic recipe. Which has an energy value of 359.66 kcal, 7.29 grams of protein, 16.38 grams of fat, 29.66 grams of moisture, 45.77 grams of carbohydrates, and 11.09 grams of sugar.

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How to Cite
Yimyene, C., & Suteebut, N. (2024). The Development of Kanom Saneh Chan Product for Health. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 8(1), 85–92. Retrieved from
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