Development of Internal Quality Assurance System Towards the Excellence of the Technical College under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission

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Nattita Phuliamkam
Duangjai Chanasid
Oraphan Toujinda


The purposes of this research were to: 1) Study basic information on the development of quality assurance systems in the Excellence Quality College for Technical College Office of the Vocational Education Commission. 2) Develop a quality assurance system in the Excellence Quality College for Technical College Office of the Vocational Education Commission. 3) Evaluate the quality assurance system in the Excellence Quality College for Technical College Office of the Vocational Education Commission. The Research and Development was used in this study. The research operation is divided into 3 phases as follows: Phase 1 studied documents and interviewed 11 educational institution administrators, obtained through purposive selection according to specified criteria. The research instrument used was a semi-structured interview. Data were analyzed by content analysis. Phase 2 Develop a quality assurance system within educational institutions towards excellence in technical colleges. The sample group used included educational institution administrators and the head of quality assurance of technical colleges under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, 22 people were selected through purposive selection according to specified criteria. The sample group used in the experiment was Khon Kaen Technical College under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, It is obtained through specific selection according to specified criteria. The development and testing period took 1 semester. The tools used were group discussion recording forms. A questionnaire to check the accuracy and Appropriateness of the draft quality assurance system within educational institutions towards excellence and a manual for internal educational quality assurance towards excellence in technical colleges used in content analysis. The statistics include frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Phase 3 evaluates the quality assurance system within educational institutions towards excellence in technical colleges verified by 5 experts, obtained through purposive selection according to specified criteria. The tool used in the research was a 4 - sided utility evaluation form consisting of an evaluation of suitability feasibility, correctness, and usefulness statistics used in data analysis including frequencies and percentages.

The research results found that: 1. Basic information on the development of quality assurance systems within educational institutions towards excellence in technical colleges. There are 6 aspects, including participatory management. Systematic working mechanism according to the Deming cycle (PDCA) for developing the quality of graduates. Developing the quality of teachers and personnel Creating cooperation with business establishments and developing the quality of executives 2. Results of the development of the quality assurance system within educational institutions towards excellence in technical colleges. There are 3 components, consisting of Component 1: Implementation of the educational quality assurance system within the technical college educational institution towards excellence, totaling 11 items. Component 2: Steps in developing the educational quality assurance system of educational institutions of technical colleges towards excellence, totaling 19 items. Component 3: Components and quality indicators for quality assurance of educational institutions of the college. Techniques for Excellence, 6 components, 114 quality indexes. For the results of the experiment using the manual for internal educational quality assurance towards excellence of technical colleges, it was found that Khon Kaen Technical College has created a structure for organizing the internal quality assurance system of the educational institution. Create knowledge, understanding, and confidence in educational quality assurance and create better awareness among personnel. Each department has prepared a work manual to guide the operations of the college and serve as a model for other technical colleges. 3. The examination results of the evaluation of the quality assurance system in the Excellence Quality College for Technical College Office of the Vocational Education Commission by analyzing data and conclusions from assessments and recommendations of experts with expertise or experience in quality assurance within educational institutions for not less than 5 years , totaling 5 people , obtained through purposive selection showed that the quality assurance system in the Excellence Quality College for Technical College was feasible, appropriate, accurate, and applicable.

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How to Cite
Phuliamkam, N., Chanasid, D., & Toujinda, O. (2024). Development of Internal Quality Assurance System Towards the Excellence of the Technical College under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 8(1), 59–70. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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