Development of Learning Management Strategies to Enhance Learners' Competencies Mechanical Engineering Program, Vocational Education Institutions

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Chumphol Khamthien
Thanusak Kusuchart


This research aimed to 1) develop a learning management strategy to enhance the competence of students in the field of mechanical technology in vocational education institutions, and 2) approve the learning management strategy to enhance the competence of students in the field of mechanical technology in vocational education institutions. This research was a mixed-methods research, divided into 2 phases as follows: Phase 1: Develop a learning management strategy to enhance the competence of students in the field of mechanical technology in vocational education institutions. The main informants were school administrators, teachers, department heads, and workplaces, who were selected purposively, totaling 10 people. Data were collected using an interview form. Data were analyzed by content analysis. The sample group for the questionnaires was school administrators, teachers, department heads, and workplaces, who were selected by stratified random sampling, totaling 480 people. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by finding frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, analysis of the need index, analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, using the 2S4M and PEST models, and Towne matrix analysis. Phase 2: Approve the learning management strategy to enhance the competence of students in the field of mechanical technology in vocational education institutions. The informants were school administrators and experts in educational administration. Obtained through specific selection of 12 people. Data were collected through expert group seminars. Data were analyzed through content analysis. As for the implementation of the developed academic administration strategy in 1 vocational educational institution that was considered for selection according to the specified criteria for 3 months, the informants included school administrators, teachers, heads of subject areas, and business establishments, totaling 9 people. Data were collected through group discussions and analyzed through content analysis.

The results of this research were shown as follows:

1. Learning management strategies to enhance the competence of students in the field of mechanical technology, vocational education institutions consist of 5 main strategies: 1) Develop a higher vocational certificate curriculum that meets the needs of the business. 2) Raise the level of development of media and technology in modern learning management in collaboration with the business. 3) Develop teachers to have competence to keep up with changes in technology. 4) Organize active learning to develop the professional competence of students in collaboration with the business. 5) Organize a research and learning innovation system to enhance the competence of students in the field of mechanical technology.

2. Verify that the learning management strategies to enhance the competence of students in the field of mechanical technology, vocational education institutions are correct, appropriate, feasible, and practically applicable, and are at the highest level. For the results of implementing the developed academic management strategies, it was found that Strategy 1 accelerated the elevation of the higher vocational certificate curriculum based on professional standards in collaboration with the business. Strategy 2 used media technology to manage learning in the field of mechanical technology. Strategy 3 supported the development of teachers to have competence in managing learning in the digital age. Strategy 4 created cooperation between colleges and business establishments in managing learning together in a dual system. And the 5th strategy is to promote teachers to conduct research and use innovation in learning management, respectively.

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How to Cite
Khamthien, C., & Kusuchart, T. (2024). Development of Learning Management Strategies to Enhance Learners’ Competencies Mechanical Engineering Program, Vocational Education Institutions. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 8(2), 59–66. retrieved from
Research Articles


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