The Development Quality of Life of the Elderly on Base Buddhist in Chonburi Province
Elder, quality of life, TrisikkhaAbstract
This research article is part of the research on Improving the quality of life of the elderly in Chonburi province according to Buddhism the objective is to 1) to study the quality of life problems of the elderly in Chonburi province, 2) to develop activities to promote the quality of life of the elderly in Chonburi in accordance with Buddhism. The research analyzed a sample of 30 seniors aged 60 and over. The 12-week trial was used using research tools using the World Health Organization's Thai version of the World Health Organization (WHOQOL-BREF-THAI) and interviews to follow up on both before and after activities to promote the quality of life of the elderly in Chonburi province. The results showed that the quality of life problems of the elderly can be physical and mental problems. Quality of life before and after the use of activities promotes quality of life using different trisikkha principles. After using the development of quality of life activities with a higher level of quality of life than before the use of statistically significant activities at .05 level, it was determined that the level of quality of life in both physical, psychological, relationship and environmental aspects before use and after use of activities to promote quality of life according to Buddhism was statistically significantly different at .05 levels.
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