Strengthening Sustainable Happiness by The Principal of Phokathiya Dhamma to Teachers and Education in Office of The Welfare Promotion Commission for Teachers and Educational Personnel Yasothon Province.
Strengthening, Happiness, Phokaathiyadham, Educational personnel, WelfareAbstract
Research articles with objectives to study the model of sustainable happiness enhancement according to the principle of nutrition of teachers and educational personnel Office of Welfare Promotion and Welfare of Teachers and Educational Personnel, Yasothon Province It is a combined research method. with quantitative research and qualitative vichai the population and samples used in the research were teachers and educational personnel. The Office of Welfare Promotion and Welfare of Teachers and Educational Personnel in Yasothon Province consisted of 1,994 people. There were 321 samples used in the research and 9 key informants. Quantitative research, including questionnaires, and qualitative research, including in-depth interviews. both structured and no structure Data were analyzed by average () and standard deviation (S.D.) and analysis and synthesis of each issue. The results showed that:
The promotion of sustainable happiness according to the Athitada principles consists of spending wealth to support oneself, parents and family, spending money to support friends and colleagues. In terms of spending money to prevent danger or to save for when sick or sick. The aspect of spending wealth to make 5 sacrifices and the aspect of spending to support the monks. Monks who practice precepts and religious affairs. The in-depth interviews consisted of spending money to support themselves, parents and family, and spending money to support friends and colleagues. In terms of spending money to prevent danger or to save for when sick or sick. The aspect of spending wealth to make 5 sacrifices and the aspect of spending to support the monks.
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