A Middle Buddhist Way for a Good Life Quality in a Balanced Work


  • Chalermphong Kaewkanha
  • Siriwat Srikhruedong
  • Witchuda Titichoatrattana
  • Sarayuth Udom


A Middle Buddhist, Quality of Work Life, Balanced Work


Objectives of the study aimed 1) to study the characteristics of the Middle Buddhist Way for a good life quality in a balanced work; 2) to analytically study a good life quality in a balanced work; and 3) to present a model of the Middle Buddhist Way for a good life quality in a balanced work. It was a mixed methods research using a quantitative method to expand a qualitative method, using an interview to collect qualitative data from 18 key informants who are Buddhist  experts, experts in psychology, experts in education and experts in a life quality by a purposive selection, and using a questionnaire to collect quantitative data from a sample of 410respondents by a random sampling method. A  content analysis and inductive conclusion were used for analyzing qualitative data. And descriptive statistics, correlation analysis with software packages and analysis to verify model coherence with empirical data with LISREL program. Results of the study were as follows: 

Regarding a model of the Middle Buddhist Way for a good life quality in a balanced work it found that Chi-square value (   = 53.07, df = 26, p = .065, GFI = .87, AGFI = .78, RMSEA = .109) could have explained the variance of 90 percent balance, while considering mediators it found that Buddhist approaches and motivations had higher indirect influences than direct influences. This indicated that the casual relationship model of the Middle Buddhist Way for a good life quality in a balanced work as developed had motivations as good mediators.


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How to Cite

Kaewkanha, C., Srikhruedong , S., Titichoatrattana , W. ., & Udom, S. (2022). A Middle Buddhist Way for a Good Life Quality in a Balanced Work. Journal of MCU Social Development, 7(1), 66–75. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMSD/article/view/254063



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