Guidelines for Appropriate Social Welfare for the Elderly
welfare arrangement, welfare state, elderly societyAbstract
This academic article wants to describe the importance of the elderly in Thai society in order to enable them gain the good enough social welfare arrangements and for the elderly's good quality of life as well as live happily in society. According to this, the government sector has paid great attention and provided social welfare for the elderly by appointing the direct-concerned agencies to manage and care for the elderly's social welfare. It has been regarded as a national policy that attends to the importance of the elderly. Also it is likely that the Thai society is to be an aging society, so that the public sector's elderly social welfare arrangements consist of many forms that the present author realized the importance of appropriate social welfare for the elderly in 4 aspects: 1. Health: the elderly are receiving physical health care, i.e., they receive complete nutrition, exercise, and being treated mentally, i.e., to live in a warm family and receiving attention from the grandchildren, as well as participating in recreational activities for enjoyment and relaxation; 2. Housing: the elderly have a sanitary residence being clean and safe; 3. Work and income: to encourage the elderly to spend their free time with benefits, support a career for the elderly, and develop sufficient income for living; and 4. Social security: the elderly live in a good and suitable environment, as well as no pollution, and also safety society. Therefore, the responded government sector should promote the social welfare arrangement for the elderly to cover all aspects of physical, mental, family, social and environmental aspects.
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