A Model of Chanting and Anapanasati Meditation Practice Enhancing Buddhist Self - Concept of Practitioners
Model of Chanting, Anapanasati, Buddhist Self-concept, Practitioners.Abstract
This research article is entitled “A Model of Chanting and Anapanasati Meditation Practice Enhancing Buddhist Self-Concept of Practitioners” with the following objectives: 1) to study the problems on managing a model of chanting and Anapanasati meditation practice at the meditation centers; 2) to develop a model of chanting and Anapanasati meditation practice to enhance Buddhist self-concept of practitioners; and 3) to present a model of chanting and Anapanasati meditation practice to enhance Buddhist self-concept of practitioners. This is a qualitative research by studying document. using an In-depth Interview. sub-group discussion with the process of analysis and synthesis based on the qualitative research.
The result of research was found as the following. 1) In managing a model of chanting and Anapanasati meditation practice at the meditation centers in Thai society. it was found for 7 aspects; (1) Regarding the place and environment. it should be comfortable. (2) Regarding the personnel. i.e. temple staff and volunteers will give the convenience in providing the suggestions. help give the answers on management at the meditation centers and the meditation masters are good examples. (3) The management and information technology at the meditation centers. and public relations to access the target group. (4) the chanting. and bodily. verbal and mental action will lead to the wholesomeness. (5) Anapanasati meditation can be divided into 4 categories. namely Kayanupassana. Vedanaanupassana. Cittanupassana. and Dhammanupassana. (6) a model of chanting and Anapanasati meditation practice is required to have a translating recitation to be easily understood that will bring about the faith that occurs from understanding its meaning. (7) the management of the meditation centers that has an effect on chanting and Anapanasati meditation practice should be taken into consideration of an environment that is suitable for meditation practice. and brought about the comfort in balancing the life of people and enhancing meditation practice.
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