Application of Buddhist Ethics to Strengthening Leadership of Local Politicians in Chonburi Province


  • PhraPinyo Tassanāmo
  • Chamnong Adivadhanasit
  • Yuttana Praneet
  • Sawat Jiratthitikan


Buddhist Ethics, Leadership, Local Politicians


The objectives of this dissertation were 1) Study the political ethics of Local politicians,
2) To study the factor for that strengthening the desirable Leadership of Local politicians and
3) To present the application of Buddhist ethics to strengthen the Leadership of Local politicians in Chonburi Methodology was the mixed methods: The quantitative method, data were collected from 375 samples with Questions and analyzed by percentage, mean and standard deviation. The qualitative method data were collected by in-depth interviewing 19 key informants and 10 participants in focus Group discussion and analyzed by descriptive interpretation

The research Findings were as follows:

  1. Study the political ethics of Local politicians in Chonburi Province, consisted of:
    1) righteousness arisen, 2) Accuracy and transparency; and just, 3) appropriateness; work performance within the framework of ethical morality, paying sincere attention to solve the problems for people and communities.
  2. Factors that Promote leadership of local politicians in Chonburi Province, were as follows: 1) the rule of Law is a principle that aims to they are enforced in accordance with the powers and duties prescribed by Law. 2) Moral principles, upholding and believing in the correctness, including honesty, and working mechanism of the organization to be transparent.
    4) Principle of Participation to provide opportunities for people to participate in the awareness and share opinions 5) Principle of responsibility, an important element in enhancing the effectiveness of good corporate Governance and 6) Valve principle the general public will get the most benefit from using Limited resources. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of economy and worthiness.
  3. The application of Buddhist ethics is Bhavana 4 in enhancing the leadership of local politicians in Chonburi province, were as follows: 1) Body meditation, neutral mind honesty, transparency, sincerity and good role model. 2) Morality, patience, patience Adhering to the truth Fairness, kindness, calm, able to control emotions even When faced with problems.
    3) Mental prayer acts with diligence, determination in the purpose, care and morale of the personnel in the organization. 4) Wisdom, Sacrifice be generous helping to serve the benefits with sincerity in the performance of duties and adhere to the principles of good governance.



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How to Cite

Tassanāmo, P., Adivadhanasit, chamnong, Praneet , Y., & Jiratthitikan, S. (2022). Application of Buddhist Ethics to Strengthening Leadership of Local Politicians in Chonburi Province. Journal of MCU Social Development, 7(1), 134–146. retrieved from



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