Cultivation Gratitude for the Development of Thai Youth with Integrative Buddhism


  • Benchawan Chayangkura Na Ayutthaya


Buddhism Integrated, Gratitude, Thai Youths


This article  aimed to show the gratitude cultivation to develop Thai youths through Buddhism integration with the objectives – 1) to study youth’s gratitude morality and ethics 2) to study the Buddhist gratitude cultivation and 3) to propose the model for gratitude cultivation to Thai youths. The qualitative and documentary research has followed the following steps – the depth interview of Buddhist monks, Buddhist academics, good-modeled Thai youths, and their guardians. The data have been descriptively analyzed with field method with focused group, group discussion with the experts. The result showed that.

(1) there have been a lot of Thai youth gratitude problems – the under-standard health, drug, and educational problems. They have been materialism and influenced by objects, which causes the family problems and Thai youths without practicing of gratitude to their benefactors. In addition, there is not a good youth model for them.

(2) The principle of Buddhist gratitude cultivations which can be considered is the mutual good deeds which are good wishes and bring happiness for all. The Buddhism has praised the 2 rare persons - one who is first to do a favor; previous benefactor and one who is grateful and repays the done favor; grateful person. According to the 25th  blessing, gratitude.  And ‘Six Directions’.

(3) The model of Buddhist integrated morality cultivation for Thai youths has been discovered as follows – 1. Social interaction 2. Way of life  3.Collectively learning.


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How to Cite

Chayangkura Na Ayutthaya, B. . (2022). Cultivation Gratitude for the Development of Thai Youth with Integrative Buddhism. Journal of MCU Social Development, 7(1), 167–176. retrieved from



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