Community-based family welfare protection system to end violence against women and children: Lessons from Community of Wat Pho Riang, Bangkok


  • Karuna Jaisai


Social Protection, Protection of Family Welfare, Ending Violence Against Women and Children



This research article is part of a larger lesson learned on the project to develop and improve the community's system of family welfare protection in order to stop violence against women and children. The Women and Men Foundation is assisting with this project. The goals were to research, and lesson learned about (1) the development of a service system, (2) the development of a multi-disciplinary team mechanism, and (3) the practice of expanding the community network. The working with pilot communities to protect the welfare of family members through participatory action research methods The findings revealed that in order to develop a system of family welfare protection by the community in order to stop violence against women and children of the Wat Pho Riang community. It has facilitated the process of developing community leaders' knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as encouraged the next generation to participate in the development of community operations. TO create a working system to be capable of assisting those affected, with work done in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team from External working network to provide standard assistance as well as work on the development of individuals, groups, and communities, as well as network expansion to neighboring communities, in order to push the operation area to be the social protection areas.


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How to Cite

Jaisai, K. (2022). Community-based family welfare protection system to end violence against women and children: Lessons from Community of Wat Pho Riang, Bangkok. Journal of MCU Social Development, 7(1), 194–206. retrieved from



Research Articles