Alcohol Drinking Patterns among Thai Female Workers


  • Punika Apirukkraisri


female workers, alcohol consumption patterns, alcohol consumption behavior


This article is a part of research entitled “the alcohol consumption patterns among Thai female workers”, research grant provided by Center of Alcohol Studies (CAS). The purposes of this research are to study the thinking system, beliefs, values ​​and behaviors of alcohol consumption among Thai female workers, as well as the relationship between female workers' lifestyles of alcohol consumption and its effects on their lifestyles. The research methodology was the Mixed methods research by using the quantitative and qualitative researches.

The research results found that 1)the thinking system, beliefs, and values reflecting factors of alcohol consumption have an effect on continuous behavior and intensity the degree of alcohol consumption. Related factors are (1.1) first drinking experience (1.2) friends group (1.3) agenda and opportunities for drinking (1.4) life and problems related situations. 2) The process of forging alcohol drinking behavior of female workers in relation to (2.1) reproductive process according to specific lifestyles of (2.2) reproduction process based on social structure surrounded by "Socialist drinking culture" and 3) the alcohol-drinking behavior pattern of female workers represents two main patterns of life graphs regarding alcohol drinking characteristics: (3.1) alcohol consumption pattern of female workers with a rather persistent tendency of its behavior and (3.2) alcohol consumption pattern of female workers with the tendency of semi-permanent and temporary behavior of alcohol consumption. The challenge of this research is “How to conduct a break-through on alcohol drinking cycle among Thai female workers and to re-direct and strengthen the quality of life.”



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How to Cite

Apirukkraisri, P. . (2022). Alcohol Drinking Patterns among Thai Female Workers. Journal of MCU Social Development, 7(1), 29–41. retrieved from



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