Protective Plan Development to Enhance Efficacy in the process of human trafficking victims’ identification to the authorities in Surat Thani Province


  • Arreerat Adisaidachcharin


Human trafficking, Human trafficking victims, victims’ identification from Human Trafficking


This article is part of a research paper on the protective plan development to enhance efficacy in the process of human trafficking victims’identification to the authorities in Surat Thani Province. This research was sponsored by Winrock International, which aims to draw on lessons learned from practitioners in relevant departments and develop a guideline to assist the prevention practices and improve the identification process of trafficking victims in Surat Thani Province. The methods were 1) to study based on relevant document data and 2) to focus group discussion organized by participants from government and private sectors involved in anti-human trafficking work in Surat Thani province. Recommendations were given as a guideline for future development in order to implement and assist the process of identification of victims to the authorities.

The findings provided the recommendations for developmental approaches which benefit areas regarding Protection of Welfare and Anti-Human Trafficking. The five approaches as protective action plan guidelines are: 1) to define the term “Human trafficking in labor in accordance with the context of Surat Thani Province” 2) to create a guideline for “identification as a victim” 3) to develop the multi-disciplinary teams and local networks 4) to operate the Protection of Welfare and Anti-Human Trafficking in the area and 5) to develop the specific policies and measures for spatial operations. These can be applied for further development of protection work for victims of human trafficking.


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มนุษย์ของประเทศไทย และความร่วมมือกับประเทศเพื่อนบ้านในอาเซียน .กรุงเทพมหานคร: สำนักงานคณะกรรมการสิทธิมนุษยชนแห่งชาติ.

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มูลนิธิเพื่อสิทธิมนุษยชนและการพัฒนา. รายงานสถานการณ์การค้ามนุษย์ และปัญหาด้านนโยบาย กฎหมาย ในประเทศไทย ช่วงปี พ.ศ. 2559–2560. มูลนิธิเพื่อสิทธิมนุษยชนและการพัฒนา โครงการต่อต้านการค้ามนุษย์ด้านแรงงาน Human Rights and Development Foundation (HRDF) Anti–Labour Trafflcking Project (ALT).




How to Cite

Adisaidachcharin, A. (2022). Protective Plan Development to Enhance Efficacy in the process of human trafficking victims’ identification to the authorities in Surat Thani Province. Journal of MCU Social Development, 7(1), 207–219. retrieved from



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