"Motorcycle taxi" about connecting social desires


  • Subundit Chansawang
  • Pharado̜n Kæobutdi
  • Phrakru Wichotsikkhakit
  • Sarawut Plo̜tphai
  • Parinya Nikornkun -


Motorcycle taxi, connecting, desires


This article aims to reveal the relationship between individuals with "occupation of driving a motorcycle taxi" stationed at "Vinchikul" in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Municipality which shows the implications of relationships that are students, shopkeepers, teachers, employees and the general public along with synergizing new links to other professions or it will start the day again on the old or new area with a career that plays a role and relationship with the reality that will be encountered on a daily basis which is passed on as a social desire from a motorcycle taxi driver career. It is connected by career and duty that is the greater individual action, that is to say, there is no end.


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How to Cite

Chansawang, S., Kæobutdi, P., Phrakru Wichotsikkhakit, Plo̜tphai S., & nikornkul, parinya. (2022). "Motorcycle taxi" about connecting social desires. Journal of MCU Social Development, 7(1), 359–371. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMSD/article/view/255918



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