Factors Affecting to Political Alertness of the People in Lamae District, Chumphon Province


  • Phramaha Natthapot Khantitharo
  • Anuphum Sokasem
  • Surapon Suyaprom
  • Sawat Jiratthitikan


Factors, Affecting, Political alertness


Objectives of this research were: 1.To study the level of political participation, 2. To compare the level of political participation, and 3. To study recommendations and guidelines to support political alertness of the people in Lamae district, Chumphon Province. Methodology was the mixed methods: The quantitative research collected data with questionnaires from 395 samples people in Lamae district, Chumphon province, Statistics used to analyze data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, SD. The qualitative research collected data from 8 key informants by in-depth-interviewing, analyzed data by descriptive interpretation.

Findings of the research were as follows:

  1. 1. People had moderate opinions on political awakening factors in Lamae District, Chumphon Province. the mean in descending order as follows: Policy side and Mass communication was at a high level. Campaigning for candidates, political parties and candidate qualifications were at a moderate level.
  2. The comparison results showed that People with different age, education and income There were opinions on the political awakening factors of the people in Lamae District, Chumphon Province, Differed statistically significant at the level of 0.05, As for people with different genders and occupations There are no different.
  3. Problems and recommendations on factors affecting political awareness of the people in Lamae District, Chumphon Province. The people want and value in each area are as follows. Applicant's features show vision for the public to see knowledge and ability in solving local problems in the future, Can think of just Candidate campaigning side Politicians have to change the methods of campaigning. Create a distinctive point for the people to be confident, Political party Political parties should see the interests of the people in place. Policy focuses on solving economic problems at all levels. Media Should clarify the objectivity to create understanding as a medium provide truthful information.


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How to Cite

hantitharo, P. N. ., Sokasem, A., Suyaprom , S. ., & Jiratthitikan, S. (2022). Factors Affecting to Political Alertness of the People in Lamae District, Chumphon Province. Journal of MCU Social Development, 7(1), 281–291. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMSD/article/view/256202



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