Influence of causal factors on career success performance from tourism industry: study in Chonburi Province
sustainable development, career strategy, organizational successAbstract
This research aims to study on the influences of causal factors towards a career success performance from tourism industry in Chonburi Province. Upon analysis, the study has shown that the career strategy is the main driving factor influencing over an overall success in careers. While an employee attachment to the organization, occupational capacity, and demographic characteristics of employees are the next three influencers respectively. However, upon an overall consideration, all latent variables could describe the variation in career success of employees at a better manner.
Nonetheless, the study has also shown that the career strategy is very crucial to retrieve a success in careers. Therefore, in order to optimize the management in the organization, it is necessary to create such factors for the organization to keep developing at a sustainability. In addition, all other variables have contributed to the success in services of the tourism industry. This reflects the fact that such factors are the driving forces incorporating with career strategy to boost in the organizational development.
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