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Rattikan Dechraksa
Jittima Damrongwattana
Daycho Khaenamkaew
Udomsak Dechochai


This article of this study were: 1) to study the adjustment of the rice production path in the rubber plantation agricultural plots, 2) to study the problem of changing the rice production path in the rubber plantation agricultural plots, and 3) to study the guidelines for promoting the adjustment of the rice production path in the rubber plantation plots. This research was a qualitative research use interviews and group discussions by purposive sampling into 2 groups: 1) group of farmers who planted rice in the agricultural plots of rubber plantation, total 9 households and 2) group of who promote and support the cultivation of rice in the rubber plantation plots total 7 peoples, all of whom are knowledgeable experts, and experience in rice fields for at least 5 years. By using content analysis and summarizing. The research found that: 1. adjustment of rice production methods in rubber plantation plots: 1) Integrated crops,           2) Plant types of crops according to market demand, 3) Organic vegetables,           4) Prepare water sources in the dry season, 5) Finding reserves for business expansion, 6) planting different varieties of rice in the same area, and 7) using machines to replace human labor. 2. the problem of changing the rice production path in the agricultural plots of rubber plantations, including: 1) drought, climate, and environmental changes and 2) pests There are many types of insects and pests. And 3. guidelines for promoting changes in rice production methods in agricultural plots, rubber plantations, including: 1) mass promotion methods Using media to educate farmers, 2) Group promotion methods. Establishing a community organization group and study visits to exchange experiences with other areas, 3) Individual promotion methods It promotes, helps and guides individual farmers, and 4) promotional methods from government agencies. supporting knowledge, academic and budget to farmers.

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How to Cite
Dechraksa, R. . ., Damrongwattana , J. ., Khaenamkaew , D. ., & Dechochai, U. . (2021). KHAW RICE: A MODIFICATION OF RICE PRODUCTION PATH IN THE TRANSFORMATION OF AGRICULTURAL RUBBER PLANTATION. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 5(1), 61–80. Retrieved from
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