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Taweewat Jittiwetkul


The Objectives of this research article were to 1) study the importance of conservation. Continuing and managing education in arts and culture 2) Study the integration of art education management cooperation with arts and culture networks, and 3) Propose an art education management approach that promotes the creative economy. It is qualitative research. Collecting field data from administrators and faculty involved in the management of fine arts education. By selecting a specific sample group in accordance with the research objectives, 20 people summarized the preliminary information from the document, analyzed, synthesized and interpreted to create a preliminary conclusion by the researcher. Organized a group discussion meeting of 12 experts to certify the results and provide additional suggestions. The results of the research were as follows: 1) Management of art education Still unable to achieve business results must receive budget support from the government sector and focus on conservation missions 2) Cooperation in management There is a coordination of human capital networks. Social capital and cultural capital with professional dance organizations and groups Music and visual arts to support education management to meet the needs of learners up to the high vocational level and 3) Art management approaches to promote the creative economy is a balanced integration between professional promotion Building academic knowledge and applying wisdom to add value to cultural products. The findings of this research are that the Triple A Methods (Artist career - Academic - Add value) is an approach to promote the creative economy, consisting of education management to create a career to develop academic progress and increase quality value and value for cultural products.

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How to Cite
Jittiwetkul, T. . (2022). GUIDELINES FOR ARTS EDUCATION TO PROMOTE CREATIVE ECONOMY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 6(2), 49–66. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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