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Wongsiri Rueangsri
Phrakru Arunsutalangkan .
Phrakru Viratdhammachot .
Phrakhruwinaithon Suriya Suriyo (Kongkawai)


The purpose of this article was to: 1) study the problem of social inequality and the management in Banpaklat community’s Manora culture, and 2) approach to  reduce social inequality based on the Manora culture in Banpaklat community, Thungluang sub-district, Wiangsa district. Suratthani province. The study was qualitative research by documentary data analysis with in-depth interview and focus group discussion. Data were selected by choosing a specific sample key informants such as 1) Head of Learning Center, 2) Working Group, 3) Community leaders, and 4) Government agencies total of 15 people for analyzed the information content and overview summarize. The research was found that: 1. the problem of social inequality in Banpaklat community consisted of 5 issues: 1.1) Lack of learning opportunities in poor families; 1.2) Development of children and youth to be out-of-form children and vulnerable groups wrong. 1.3) the environment, the difference from the appearance, causing them to be pushed out of society, 1.4) the family economy being poor, causing them to resign, drop out of school, and 1.5) the unfairness of state power, lack of interest and importance from agencies. deprives of opportunities and rights and management of Manohra culture in Ban Pak Lat community, namely 1) the establishment of the Southern Manohra Heritage Centre, 2) knowledge management, and 3) the education management for non-formal children. And 2) a guideline to reduce social inequality based on Ban Pak Lat community's Manorah culture, consisting of 2.1) human development, 2.2) community development, 2.3) modern knowledge development, 2.4) community potential development, and 2.5) development. Create a network which leads to the creation of strong and self-reliant foundation communities equality Reduce social, economic and environmental inequalities.

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How to Cite
Rueangsri, W. ., ., P. A., ., P. V., & Suriyo (Kongkawai), P. S. . (2022). GUIDELINES FOR REDUCING SOCIAL INEQUALITY BASED ON MANORA CULTURE IN BANPAKLAT COMMUNITY, THUNGLUANG SUB-DISTRACT, WIANGSA DISTRACT, SURATTHANI PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 6(2), 67–82. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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