Main Article Content
This research aims to 1) study the current method of distance supervision both domestically and internationally; 2) create a distance supervision training package; and 3) test and evaluate the distance supervision training package for the supervisor under Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education. This study was a research and development research. The research was divided into 3 phases: The first phase was the study of the current method of distance supervision both domestically and internationally; the second phase was the construction of the distance supervision training package by interviewing 5 supervisors and giving a questionnaire to 120 people. The results were then discussed by a group of 8 experts. The third phase was to test and evaluate the distance supervision training package. The sample group was a group of 17 supervisors, obtained by purposive sampling. It was discovered that: 1) the goal of both domestic and international distance supervision research is to provide teachers and administrators through the use of online and offline media. The distance supervision process consisted of four stages, supervision planning stage, knowledge sharing stage, supervision operation stage and evaluation and supervision results reporting. The supervision activities in this research consisted of three activities, namely educational lectures, observing teaching and interviews; 2) The developed distance supervision training package consisted of 7 components: objectives, target groups, content of study, training materials, training activities, interaction, and evaluation; 3) The results of the test and evaluation of the training package found that the distance supervision training package was effective according to the criteria. The trainees' knowledge after training was significantly different at the statistical level of .05 when compared to their knowledge before training. Notably, 82.94% of the trainees were also found to be skillful after training. They also had a high level of opinion that the training package could be applied in the field.
Article Details
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