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์Nutkawee Sirirat
Chot Bodeerat
Sornchai Taomitr


The objectives of this research were to: 1) explore the administrative factors for the development of the elderly's quality; 2) classify the level of quality of life development for the elderly; 3) identify the administrative factors affecting the development of the elderly's quality of life; and 4) propose a model for improving the elderly's quality of life. This study used a quantitative research which collected data from 398 elderly people aged 60 years and over in Phetchaburi Province. Data were collected using questionnaire with a consistency index of 0.67-1.00. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. While a qualitative research used structured in-depth interview to collect data from 24 key-informants who were the chief executive of subdistrict administrative organization, chief administrator of subdistrict administrative organization, head of social welfare division, relevant government officers, representatives of Social Development and Human Security Office, and Public Health Office, and representatives of social development volunteers, chairman and members of the elderly club, and older people in Phetchaburi Province using a purposive selection method. The data were analyzed using content analysis. The results showed that: 1) Overall, the administrative factors for improving the elderly's quality of life were practiced at a high level; 2) Development of the quality of life for the elderly was at a high level; 3) Management factors affecting the development of the elderly's quality consisted of cooperation between organizations and people (X2), people's participation in implementations (X1), vision, policy and strategy (X3), and budget (X5), written in the equation as gif.latex?\hat{Y} = -0.660 + 0.919(X2) + 0.277(X1) + 0.156(X3) - 0.164(X5); and 4) The proposed model for improving the quality of life for the elderly of the local government organizations was as follows: “PWPMB Model” consisting of P: Public Participation, W: Working Together, P: Planning, M: Monitoring and Evaluation, and B: Budget.

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How to Cite
Sirirat ์., Bodeerat, C., & Taomitr, S. (2023). THE DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE ELDERLY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS IN PHETCHABURI PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(1), 325–343. Retrieved from
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