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Pattarabordee Pimki
Pathra Srisukho
Worachat Angkahiran
Phanom Chongkon
Kornkanok Sanitgan


This research aims to 1) study and identity expression analysis of the gem mine community as a guideline for D.I.Y. jewelry design. 2) design and create D.I.Y. jewelry which shows the gem mine community's identity. This research is mixed methods research. First, using the needs questionnaire of one hundred tourists to find the jewelry design direction. The data was collected from the tourist attraction in Si Phaya Subdistrict and Bo Phu Subdistrict, Tha Mai District, Chanthaburi Province. Second, a group discussion with five representatives from community groups and government sectors was performed for the identity of the gem mine community study Then, the obtained data were examined to design the ten D.I.Y. jewelry drafts. Then, the analysis and design of ten D.I.Y. jewelry drafts were carried out, and ten D.I.Y. jewelry drafts were selected only three drafts by using a selection evaluation form by three experts. The results showed that the tourist who is respondents were 58% female, aged 26-35 years old, and were most interested in D.I.Y. pendant jewelry. The jewelry has a natural pattern, and it takes 15-30 minutes to finish creation. From the group discussion, it was found that the identity of the community was famous fruit, beliefs story, and tourist attraction in the community. Using raw gemstones in the community to assort with jewelry that has empty spaces for tourists to decorate by themselves. The jewelry draft selection results found that the 7th draft, The Treasure Blooming No. 1 had the first-highest total average score of 4.78. The 9th draft, Fruits of Gems No. 1 had the second highest total average score of 4.72, and the 4th draft, The Treasure Land No. 1 had the third average score with a total average score of 4.50.

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How to Cite
Pimki, P. ., Srisukho, P., Angkahiran, W. ., Chongkon, P. ., & Sanitgan, K. . (2023). THE CREATION OF D.I.Y. JEWELRY FOR THE IDENTITY EXPRESSION OF GEM MINES COMMUNITY IN CHANTHABURI. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(2), 391–407. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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