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The purpose of this academic paper was to present the results of a study on the meaning and importance of inspiration and the importance of executives’ inspirational speeches in the success of an organization. Speech has been human communication since ancient times. In the past, people used to speak for the purpose of transmitting knowledge from generation to generation. In Buddhism, it is called Mukpatha for inspirational speeches expressing feelings or impulses that arise with a person. It is a positive emotion that consists of three elements: provocation, motivation, and dominance. Motivation is important because it allows someone to be open to new things, see their goals clearly and realistically, overcome the anxiety that used to occur, help stimulate behavior, and set the direction of behavior towards the goal. Therefore, motivational speeches by an executives are a process of internal communication by an executives to motivate personnel in the organization to become committed to work and operate at their full ability until leading to the success of the organization as defined. The indicators of corporate success have many dimensions comprising the confidence dimension and the satisfaction of stakeholders both inside and outside the corporate and including the measure of success in the financial dimension, which is measured through the performance of the organization and all the success mentioned above can be achieved through the inspirational speeches of those corporate executives.
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