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Napaporn srisukhanthapuek
Jomphong Mongkhonvanit
Pongsin Viseshsiri


The perpose of this research were to 1) study the current and desirable conditions of the guidelines for the innovative leadership development of school administrators under the Bangkok Secondary Education Service Area Office and 2) to propose the guidelines for the innovative leadership development of school administrators under the Bangkok Secondary Education Service Area Office. The mixed methods research were conducted. The sample used in this study consisted of a total of 357 people which were school administrators, deputy school administrators and Teachers responsible for information technology the findings show. The research tool used in the data collection was five-level scale questionnaire with a dual-response format. The Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI modified). and focus group discussion. The results of the research found that 1) Current and desirable innovative leadership conditions as a whole, the average of the current conditions is “very”. When considering the mean desirable condition in each aspect, it was at the “highest” level in all aspects and when arranging the need for PNI Modified as follows : Transformational vision, Teamwork and participation, Motivation, Creativity, Corporate culture, Risk management, Networks and relationships, Information and communication technology, Respectively; 2) Innovative leadership development guidelines of educational institute administrators found that the executive must develop a plan to advance the management structure, creating experiences Benchmark by a study visit to and innovative model schools. Brainstorming for all members to participate in setting goals together, Organize a forum to exchange knowledge professional learning community, Promote the use of innovative leadership development programs, Including the use of technology and innovation to help work efficiently and effective.

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How to Cite
srisukhanthapuek, N., Mongkhonvanit, J., & Viseshsiri, P. (2023). GUIDELINES FOR THE INNOVATIVE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS UNDER THE BANGKOK SECONDARY EDUCATION SERVICE AREA OFFICE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(3), 117–131. retrieved from
Research Articles


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