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Tanatchamon Mettarayasiri
Waiyawut Yoonisil
Pattrawadee Makmee


This research aims to compare the EEG of empathy towards stakeholders of the sustainable entrepreneurship curriculum for higher education learners. The operation was divided into two steps as follows: 1) the documentary review related to 3 theoretical concepts, entrepreneurship for sustainability, empathy and EEG measurement 2) developing a tool to measure stakeholder empathy. The sample group was 30 volunteers studying higher education level by purposive sampling. The research instruments were questionnaires, psychological tests with OpenSesame version 3.3.11 program, 30 images of a good environment, 30 images of bad environment, 30 images of well-being stakeholders, 30 images of poor well-being stakeholders, EmotivePRO version EmotivePRO program measured the empathy sensory (Mu) EEG at a frequency of 8 – 12 Hz at the Motor Cortex and the Sensorimotor Cortex. The instrument quality test of empathy toward stakeholders with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was .73 in terms of quantitative data that were analyzed by descriptive statistics including percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, t-test statistic value and influence value of differences. As the consequence, the research results showed that the mean wave of empathy toward the stakeholders was higher than before study the curriculum.

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How to Cite
Mettarayasiri, T., Yoonisil, W., & Makmee, P. (2023). MEASURING THE STAKEHOLDER EMPATHY OF THE SUSTAIANBLE ENTREPRENEURSHIP CURRICULUM FOR HIGHER EDUCATION LEARNERS BY EEG. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(3), 252–264. retrieved from
Research Articles


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