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Thapanee Phengsuk


The purpose of this research was to study the correlation measurement model and the causal influence of factors, namely entrepreneurial performance Lean Management Lean practices, affecting the business efficiency of community enterprise entrepreneurs in the upper-eastern region of Thailand. Using quantitative research. The sample group was the entrepreneurs of small community enterprises in the sector of processing products in the northeast of Thailand 5 provinces Udon Thani, Nong Khai, Nong Bua Lam Phu, Loei, and Bueng Kan, 159 cases were selected by stratified random sampling. The Research tools include questionnaires, data collection during the COVID-19 situation, data analysis using inferential statistics, using structural relationship model analysis based on covariance. The results showed that the Model measures correlation and causal influence of factors. Consistent with the empirical data, 3 factors, namely, Entrepreneurial performance, Lean Management, and Lean practices had a positive influence on the efficiency of community enterprises, Lean practices were the most influential. Followed by side entrepreneurial performance and lean management respectively, with a predictive coefficient of 51 percent. It shows that the overall model has a good predictive ability. The results of this research can be used by entrepreneurs, enterprises, and related agencies to apply the research results to drive management policies to reduce production costs. By applying the principles of Lean to increase operational efficiency. And it is a way to eliminate waste, reduce costs and create value for products. To create a competitive advantage, It also supports the government in driving the economy of community enterprise entrepreneurs. To be able to survive in the current situation effectively.

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