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The purposes of this research were to compare the mathematical word problem-solving abilities of primary 4 students under State University: 1) before and after learning management by using Flipped Classroom Integrated with KWDL technique, 2) before and after learning management by using a traditional method, and 3) between the abilities of those using Flipped Classroom Integrated with KWDL technique and those using the traditional method. Used quasi-experimental research methodology. The samples used in the research were 60 Primary 4 students studying at the Innovation Demonstration School of Rajamangala University of Technology in Pathum Thani Province in the first semester of the academic year 2022. Two learning management methods were entered into two classrooms by simple randomization. The research instruments included a lesson plan for Flipped Classroom Integrated with KWDL, a lesson plan for the traditional method, and tests for mathematical word problem-solving abilities. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The research results indicated that: 1) the student’s mathematical word problem-solving abilities after learning by using Flipped Classroom integrated with KWDL technique were significantly higher than those before learning at .05 level of significance, 2) the student’s mathematical word problem-solving abilities after learning by using a traditional method were significantly higher than those before learning at .05 level of significance, and 3) the students’ mathematical word problem-solving abilities of the students who learned by using Flipped Classroom Integrated with KWDL technique were significantly higher than those of the students who learned by using the traditional method at .05 level of significance.
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