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Nanthaphat Nonsrimueang
Karun Kidrakarn


The purpose of this research were to examine the effects of corporate social responsibility disclosure and financial performance of the food and beverage companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand by collecting data from the annual reports (Form 56-1 and Form 56-2) of 46 the food and beverage companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand from 2017 to 2020 was used to collect data from 170 datasets.The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were means, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis. Results revealed that: 1) Corporate social responsibility disclosure of the food and beverage companies when each aspect was considered, the aspect found to be at the highest level was employee activities, community and social activities and product and services activities and the aspect found to be at the moderate level was environmental activities and 2) Corporate social responsibility disclosure 2.1) the aspects of environmental activities had negative effects on financial performance 2.2) the aspects of community and society activities and product and services activities had positive effects on financial performance and 2.3) the aspects of employee activities no effects on financial performance. The results of this study could be applied to guidelines on management, establish strategies, policies in corporate social responsibility disclosure. To be in accordance with environment of organizations changing all the time financial performance and to affect the competitive advantage of organizations stability, and sustainability in the future.

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How to Cite
Nonsrimueang, N., & Kidrakarn, K. (2023). EFFECTS OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DISCLOSURE ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE FOOD AND BEVERAGE COMPANIES LISTED IN THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF THAILAND. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(5), 360–375. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/263517
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