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Naartdao Witchayanuwat
Patthira Phon-ngam


The purpose of this research was to develop innovations to promote the competitiveness of fresh food businesses in Permpoon Farm network group. It's research and development. The qualitative research method consists of in-depth interviews, focus group discussion, and brainstorming. The target group includes owners, manager by position and staff in the Permpoon Farms network group across the country as well as all relevant parties, i.e. large and small buyers of fresh food products, restaurant customers / consumers who buy for household consumption. The tools consisted of in-depth interviews and group discussion topics. The method to verify data using the triangulation technique .The data was analyzed using the content analysis method. The results found that there were 4 innovations to enhance the competitiveness of the fresh food business in the Permpoon Farms network group, and the innovations were implement through activities for a period of 4 months as follows: 1) innovation to promote the potential of service there are 2 activities: 1.1) There is a flow chart of products available in the store. and 1.2) payment on all platforms, 2) innovation to promote product potential by developing new Sam Yor products, namely Moo Yo, Kung Yor, and Crab Stick Yor, 3) innovation to promote financial potential has developed a ready-made accounting program that is shared with all branches, and 4) innovation to promote marketing potential there are 2 activities: 4.1) marketing through online channels, each branch's website and Facebook, and 4.2) customer relations with membership cards. Assessment results of implementing innovations to promote potential into practice by evaluating production and results, it was found that useful innovations can be used effectively. increase sales employees receive knowledge and benefits from participating in activities. And consumers are satisfied with new products, membership cards and services received.

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How to Cite
Witchayanuwat, N., & Phon-ngam, P. (2023). DEVELOPING BUSINESS INNOVATIONS TO PROMOTE BUSINESS COMPETITIVENESS FRESH FOOD IN THE NETWORK OF PERM POON FARM. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(7), 226–236. Retrieved from
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