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Nattaya Chotikul


The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the analyzing the ability to export rubber by the diamond model of entrepreneurs in Songkhla and 2) Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and obstacles in the export of para rubber. It is a qualitative research. By using in-depth interviews. The interviewing the main informants, namely business owners each factory 1 person total 11 persons export manager 1 person total 11 persons marketing Manager 1 person total 11 persons total of 33 persons. Development research institute 2 peoples Using diamond model analysis tools, SWOT Analysis found that 1) The ability to export rubber, entrepreneurs have low labor costs. 2) There is a high demand for natural rubber. as a result of the epidemic situation 3) Trading partners demand high demand for products made from rubber. It is an opportunity to export rubber and has cooperation to establish the Thai Concentrated Latex Association to push exports to be strong in the same industry. 4) An important strategy is to enter the market first, which is considered an advantage. Must be honest with partners deliver goods on time. 5) The government should support the creation of higher added value. 6) The force majeure of the epidemic has a direct impact on export entrepreneurs. Strong point Many foreign jobs make labor costs low. Weaknesses compete with Asean high. Opportunities, medical departments have demand for gloves and other medical equipment products, barriers to epidemics. Export entrepreneurs are affected by Chinese entrepreneurs contacting directly to buy rubber from farmers or middlemen, cutting the important export cycle that the government must strictly enforce and control.

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How to Cite
Chotikul, N. (2023). THE ANALYSIS OF ABILITY TO EXPORT RUBBER OF ENTREPRENEURS IN SONGKHLA. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(4), 128–144. Retrieved from
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