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Suppanan Ritmontree
Supaporn Sridee
Karn Boonsiri
Jitraporn Sudhivoraseth


The purposes of this dissertation were to 1) study the current issue of disseminating government economic policies, 2) study the process of disseminating government economic policies, 3) study communication strategies for sharing government economic policies. This qualitative dissertation interviews 20 key informants: (1) two policymaker communication experts from the Public Relations Department; (2) three media executives from the same department; (3) seven social online communication employees from the Department of Public Relations' network; and (4) eight representatives of the Department of Public Relations' audiences. The research tools were structured in-depth interviews, data collection with in-depth interviews and descriptive data analysis. The study's findings revealed that; 1) The current issues: Organizational structure by traditional media by using Facebook to support one more channel of work that makes operators have more workload than assigned tasks. 2) Communication Process: receiving policies from the Cabinet government spokesperson team. Issues are managed by meetings at the Information Operations Center for public relations, set communication strategy then publish the policy using content analyzed from the meeting and evaluate the results of dissemination Summarize opinions on the policy and report to the Cabinet. 3) Communication Strategies: reproducing policy strengths to expand results, clarify and understand each point and reflect weaknesses back to responsible agencies to solve problems. From the study, it was found that communication development guidelines consisted of 1) Coordinate joint policy information between the Public Relations Department and the government in transmitting information systematically.          2) Provide a person responsible for communicating through specific online media channels to use technology to its full potential. And 3) Restructure the organization by clearly assigning responsible persons for online media work.

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How to Cite
Ritmontree, S., Sridee, . S., Boonsiri, . K., & Sudhivoraseth, J. (2023). THAI GOVERNMENT’S ECONOMIC POLICY COMMUNICATION VIA THE PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT’S AFFLIATED. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(5), 224–241. Retrieved from
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