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Pimpisa Chomsri
Wuthichai Chairinkam
Mullika Matrakul
Panida Chaiwang


The aimed of this research to investigate the association between substance literacy with self-control in a representative sample of ethnic elementary students. This cross-sectional study was conducted with ethnic elementary students, who were studying in the academic year 2021. Multi-stage random selection of 186 students. Demographic information questionnaire, self-control questionnaire, and substance literacy questionnaire were recorded by self-report. We used frequency, percent, mean, and standard deviation to illustrate general characteristics, used binary logistic regression analysis to determine the relationship between substance literacy with self-control. A total of 54.8% were female and 45.2% were male. Most of the participants are the Hmong (59.7%). The level of substance literacy of the sample group was found that 51.6% were low and 36.6% were moderate, those who were low and moderate of substance literacy were more likely to be low and moderate of self-control as compared to those who were higher level of self-control (OR: 3.09, 95% CI; 1.151 - 8.286, p < 0.05). Conclusion: most of the participants had low level of health literacy, those of them were associated with low to moderate self-control.

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How to Cite
Chomsri, P., Chairinkam, W., Matrakul, M., & Chaiwang, P. (2023). THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SUBSATNCE LITERACY WITH SELF-CONTROL IN THE ETHNIC ELEMENTARY STUDENTS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(5), 242–255. Retrieved from
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