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Leo Karnasuta
Supaporn Sridee
Hareutai Panyarvuttakul
Senee Comsook


this research article The objectives were to study 1) Communication of policies and operations 2) Communication to create knowledge and understanding attitudes and behaviors, and 3) guidelines for the development of policy communication and operations to create knowledge and understanding Attitudes and Behaviors to Improve work quality as well as lift quality of employees ’s in ceramic factories,purposive sampling 20 key informants from Saraburi and Ratchaburi provinces were executive representatives from ceramic companies. A group of employee representatives from ceramic companies Saraburi province workers Ratchaburi province workers representative of the local government organization (LAO) Saraburi province representative of the local government organization (LAO) Ratchaburi province representative of Saraburi Municipality Office representative of Ratchaburi Municipality Office. The research tool was a structured interview, use the in-depth interview method and analyze the data by forming conclusions The research findings were as follows: 1) Communication of policies and operations to increase the quality of work and the quality of life of ceramic factory employees. There is a standard for the quality of life of employees. Local government organizations participate in driving the mission of labor protection in factories to be effective. 2) Representative groups of government-provincial labor Local administrative organizations and municipalities jointly plan communications to ask for opinions in the survey of attitudes and communication behaviors via online social networks. 3) Guidelines for the development of policy communication and operations to create knowledge and understanding. Attitudes and Behaviors to Improve Work Quality and Quality of Life of Ceramic Factory Employees Communication spolicies should be developed to prevent potential isrepresentation of communications by employees. Should develop a communication policy to find accurate information.

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How to Cite
Karnasuta, L., Sridee, S. ., Panyarvuttakul, . H. ., & Comsook, . S. . (2023). COMMUNICATION OF POLICY AND OPERATIONS FOR ENHANCING WORK QUALITY AS WELL AS AND LIFT QUALITY OF EMPLOYEES ’S IN CERAMIC FACTORIES. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(5), 435–445. retrieved from
Research Articles


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