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The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the status of knowledge and practice skills of Christian premarital counseling before and after using the Two Become One training program, and 2) compare the mean scores of knowledge and practice skills of Christian premarital counseling before and after using the Two Become One training program. This research was quasi-experimental research. Which was one group. Scores measured the knowledge and practice skills of Christian premarital counseling before and after the experiment. The population was 63 counseling Church leaders, and 21 samples were selected using purposive sampling. The research instrument used in this study were that 1) the Two Become One training program, 2) Christian premarital counseling knowledge test, and 3) Christian Premarital Counseling Practice Skills Scale. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0.91, the statistics used for research and data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and pair-sample t-test. The results of study showed that 1) knowledge of the sample before experiment was at high level ( = 4.25, SD. = 1.63), while overall knowledge after the experiment was at the highest (
= 4.68, SD. = 1.00), Christian premarital counseling practice skills of the sample before experiment was at a high level (
= 3.96, SD. = 0.70), while overall Christian premarital counseling practice skills after the experiment was at the highest level (
= 4.55, SD. = 0.54), and 2) The comparison of knowledge mean scores, after the experiment were higher than before the experiment at the .05 statistical significance level, and Christian premarital counseling practice skills, after the experiment were higher than before the experiment at the .01 statistical significance level.
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