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Jiratkul Kaewchamnan
Saiphin Siharak
Watcharaporn Khuanwang
Sukanya Boonsri
Nattaka Sanguanwong


The objectives of this research were to: 1) compare practical skills and learning achievement of primary 5 students at Soi Annex School (Kanchanaphisek 2) under Bangkok Administration between students who received the flipped classroom approach learning and students who received traditional learning, and 2) compare the learning achievement of primary 5 students at Soi Annex School (Kanchanaphisek 2) under Bangkok Administration before and after using the flipped classroom approach learning and traditional learning. This study employed a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest nonequivalent-group design. The sample consisted of 66 primary 5 students from Soi Annex School (Kanchanaphisek 2) under Bangkok Administration, during the second semester of the 2022 academic year. The study utilized a cluster sampling technique, with 2 classrooms, and a simple random sampling of 2 methods of learning management to enter the classroom as an experimental group and a control group. The research instruments included the flipped classroom approach learning lesson plans in the Music-Thai Dance course, the traditional learning lesson plans in the Music-Thai Dance course, the assessment of practical skills in Thai dance, and the learning achievement tests in the Music-Thai Dance course. The statistical analysis included mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results revealed that: 1) the practical skills and learning achievement of students who received the flipped classroom approach learning were significantly higher than students who received traditional learning at the .05 level, and 2) the learning achievement of students who received the flipped classroom approach learning and traditional learning after learning management was significantly higher than before learning management at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Kaewchamnan, J., Siharak, S., Khuanwang, W., Boonsri, S., & Sanguanwong, N. (2023). LEARNING MANAGEMENT BY USING THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM APPROACH TO DEVELOP PRACTICAL SKILLS AND LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF PRIMARY 5 STUDENTS UNDER BANGKOK ADMINISTRATION. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(7), 1–13. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/264984
Research Articles
Author Biography

Saiphin Siharak, Faculty of Technical Education, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi

Curriculum and Instructional / Curriculum Development / Instructional Innovation / Learning Management หลักสูตรและการสอน การพัฒนาหลักสูตร นวัตกรรมการจัดการเรียนการสอน การจัดการเรียนรู้ ก


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