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The purposes of this research were to study 1) concepts and policies 2) communication management. 3) Communication Strategies and 4) Communication Development Guidelines It is a qualitative research with in-depth interviews. Twenty-four key informants were chosen by a electoral campaign purposive method: 1 group leader, 3 founding representatives, 1 manager, 5 executive leaders, 10 operational leaders, 1 consultant, and academics with knowledge of the campaign. expertise of 3 people. Research tools were structured in-depth interviews. Analyze data by forming conclusions. The results of the research revealed that 1) The concept and communication policy was to communicate to encourage voters to have common behavior. 2) communication management, namely establishing an office to drive campaigning; Use technology systems to manage the sound base. The content is concise, understandable, easy to remember, distributed repeatedly through the media of billboards, campaign tickets, parades, voters, and social media using frequencies appropriate to the time. management, monitoring, evaluation 3) communication strategy by dividing the right to vote into 3 groups, namely the support group unsupported group and the undecided group Candidate Branding Strategies Emphasis on strong female leadership intend to solve the problem natural expression Use a voter as a close person. good communication skills Strategies for designing messages, slogans, and policies for developing and solving problems. persuasively using messages, speeches that are pleasing to the eye. 4) guidelines for communication development. Use video clips to visit the area. develop communication skills dispute the allegation and develop an online evaluation system.
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