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Amporn Krobthong
Pisamai Jarujittipant
Kietchai Veerayannon


The objectives of this study were to analyze 1) the current conditions, problems, and participation of Village Health Volunteers (VHV) in the Family Care Team, 2) the operational effectiveness classified according to factors of organizational characteristics and personnel factors, 3) the management process factors that affect the effectiveness of Village Health Volunteers in the implementation of the Family Care Team, and 4) to present management guidelines to increase the effectiveness of the operation. It is a survey research using mixed methods. For quantitative data, data were collected from public health doctors supervising VHV through random sampling method, resulting in 394 sets of statistics. Data analysis included percentages, means, standard deviations, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. Qualitative data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. The sample group consisted of 19 experts selected through purposive sampling for content analysis. The results of the research showed that 1) The current status of VHV in the Family Care Team was generally accepted by the community. Challenges identified included the use of technology and urban social issues 2) The effectiveness of VHV's work varied significantly when considering educational levels and experience. 3) Collaborative service processes significantly influenced the effectiveness of FPA practice and organizational goal attainment, with percentages of 62.0 and 51.5, respectively. Influential factors included organizational structure, budget management, planning, performance reporting, and team coordination, in descending order of importance and 4) Guidelines to enhance the effectiveness of VHV's work should focus on health literacy knowledge and technological skills, developing quality assurance systems, and aligning budget management with work activities and project outcomes.

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How to Cite
Krobthong, A., Jarujittipant, P., & Veerayannon, K. (2023). MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR IMPROVE EFFECTIVENESS OF VILLAGE HEALTHCARE VOLUNTEER IN FAMILY CARE TEAM. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(6), 250–261. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Amporn Krobthong, Faculty of Political Science, North Bangkok University, Pathumthani



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