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Mintra sakdee
Dusadee Intraprasert
Narisara Peungposop


This research is a quasi-experimental research. The objectives of this study were: to the development of creative thinking programs to create innovations in the teaching of pre-service industrial teachers and study the results of the programs developed. The sample group was 40 graduate students in 4th year industrial education. The research instrument used in the experiment were the development of creative thinking programs to create innovations in the teaching of pre-service industrial teachers, that developed on the 5E Inquiry-Based Instructional Model to be integrated together with the Design Thinking process and the Creativity Ability in Thinking Dimension, that was evaluated for the appropriateness of activities by experts. Data were collected before and after the experiment. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, independent t-test and Paired sample t-test. The main research findings were: 1) The developed program is the most appropriate (M=4.72, S.D.=0.45). The assessment item with the highest average score was the activity presentation and activity steps (M =4.77, S.D.=0.43). 2) The experimental group had the post-test mean score (M= 95.17, S.D. = 14.69) higher than the pre-test (M= 59.26, S.D. = 5.6). And 3) after the experiment, the mean score of the experimental group (M= 95.17, S.D. = 14.69) was higher than the control group (M= 59.80, S.D. = 6.38).

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How to Cite
sakdee, M., Intraprasert, D., & Peungposop, N. (2023). THE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE THINKING PROGRAMS TO CREATE INNOVATIONS IN TEACHING OF PRE-SERVICE INDUSTRIAL TEACHERS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(6), 164–175. retrieved from
Research Articles


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