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Ktittiya Sangsuwan
Sujai Suanpairoth


The article purposed to 1) compare the soft skills’ mean values of the non-formal educated youth, which included three phases: before, between, and after joining the art therapy program, and 2) synthesize the soft skill development for the non-formal educated youth with the art therapy program. The research was a pre-experimental research design. The sample group was ten non-formal and informal educated youths between 15 to 18 years old and had the least scores in soft skill assessment. The research instrument consisted of 1) the soft skill assessment and 2) the art therapy program. The statistical analysis included mean and standard deviation and tested the hypothesis with repeated measure ANOVA, Pairwise comparisons, and descriptive data analysis. The research results indicated that 1) the comparisons of the soft skills’ mean values of the non-formal educated youth before, between, and after joining the art therapy program showed that the soft skills between and after joining the program were higher than before joining with the statistical difference at .01 level and the soft skills between and after joining the program increased with the statistical difference at .01 level and 2) synthesis of the soft skill development for the non-formal educated youth with the art therapy program illustrated that after joining the program, the youth had higher soft skills than before joining by developing eight attributives of soft skills which were self-awareness, flexibility, emotional management, positive thinking, empathy, sharing, responsibility, and honesty through the art therapy program which was designed to be appropriated with the youth’s capacities and had efficient results.

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How to Cite
Sangsuwan, K., & Suanpairoth, S. (2023). ART THERAPY TO ENHANCE SOFT SKILLS FOR YOUTH WHO RECEIVED NON-FORMAL EDUCATION. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(6), 310–323. retrieved from
Research Articles


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