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Supawan Maleehual
Jongjit Pimsawat
Thunyaphat Vattanajirapun


This research aimed 1) to study behaviors and factors of alcohol consumption among adolescents and 2) to analyze factors affecting the cost of drinking alcohol among late adolescents in Chonburi province through the survey research method. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a confidence level of 0.872. The Purposive Sampling and the Simple Sampling were used to select participants. The sample consisted of 400 teenagers aged 20-25 years who had consumed alcohol in the past year. Percentage, Average and Multiple Linear Regression were applied to analyze data. The results revealed that 1) drinking alcohol habits, most of late adolescents started drinking alcohol from the age of 19 and wine was the first alcohol drink. The reason for drinking was that friends invited or participated in activities with friends. The frequency of drinking was once a week on weekend night and drinking with friends at home as following drinking at restaurants, karaoke, pubs, bars, discotheque, tourist attractions, private dormitories and friends' houses respectively. According to drinking factor, buying drinks from 24-hour convenience stores, stores should increase the type of drinks, drinking fee was 200 baht per time, and most stores did not offer sales promotion. When considering the factor affecting the cost of drinking, places for drinking alcohol such as restaurants, karaoke, pubs, bars, discotheques, average monthly income and frequency for drinking alcohol had an effect on the cost of alcohol consumption in all directions. If a teenager had a place to drink alcohol at a restaurant, karaoke, pub, bar, discotheque, a total monthly income and a frequency of drinking alcohol affected the cost of alcohol consumption among adolescents with statistical significance 0.01.

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How to Cite
Maleehual, S., Pimsawat, J., & Vattanajirapun, T. (2023). FACTORS AFFECTING THE COST OF ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION AMONG LATE ADOLESCENTS IN CHONBURI. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(8), 179–190. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/265495
Research Articles


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