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Wipaporn Plangklang
Rawiwan Wanwichai
Woraphon Aramrussameekul


This research is the development of movement skills in patients with Parkinson's disease by using the dance therapy activities according to LSVT BIG. To design an activity set and to study the results of using the LSVT BIG theoretical behavioral therapy activity among patients with Parkinson's disease. From the development research. To develop art treatment activity and the experiment research. By conducting studies in Parkinson's patients, a total of eight people. The results of the study concluded that the series of dance therapy activities has the application of a vocal character that has a characteristic from northeast dance. With a particular emphasis on balance, there is a wide and large movement that is consistent with the LSVT BIG theory. In every position, the activity is divided into one main activity and three sub-activities, as follows: main activity, LSVT BIG theoretical dance therapy, and an activity set to develop movement skills in patients with Parkinson's disease. From the northeast dance moves that correlated with LSVT BIG theory are arranged from the process. The posture starts from the upper part of the body. Then, every part of the body, as previously mentioned, causing the practitioner to use force and concentrate on high movement use. The duration of the activity was four weeks, four times in total, 16 times at 60 minutes each. According to the t-test for statistical analysis, the Five Time sit to stand test had an average before joining the activity at 17.89 seconds and after joining the activity at 12.59 seconds. It took less time than before the trial. The activity set had an average difference of 5.30 seconds, and time up and go test tests had an average before joining the activity at 16.87 seconds and after joining at 10.94 seconds. The duration was less than before the trial. The activity set had an average difference of 5.93 seconds.

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How to Cite
Plangklang, W., Wanwichai, R., & Aramrussameekul, W. (2023). THE DEVELOPMENT OF MOVEMENT SKILLS IN PATIENTS WITH PARKINSON’S DISEASE BY USING THE DANCE THERAPY ACTIVITIES ACCORDING TO LSVT BIG THEORY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(7), 155–168. Retrieved from
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