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Wathinee Donpan
Ratchaneekorn Tongsookdee
Pikul Leosiripong
Soisuda Vittayakorn


The objective of this research was to develop addition skills using Fun Truck-themed STEAM Project-based Learning for student with a borderline intellectual disability. This research focused on the case study of 8-year-old male studying in the second grade at Inclusive Education School, Chiang Mai Province. The research tools included four personalized learning plans for the Fun Truck-themed learning unit, pre- and post-learning assessments on Kahoot application, behavior recording forms during the project, project assessment rubrics, and behavior observation forms during the project with video recording. The data collected were analyzed to obtain percentages and means and presented using tables, graphs, and descriptive images. The results of this research indicated that: The scores and averages of all 4 plans at the pretest were 19.25 (72.50%) and those at the posttest were 24.74 (90.83%). The score difference between Plan 2 and Plan 4 was 7.3 and calculated as 24.44% (Excluding Plan 1 because both at the pretest and the posttest got the same score of 10). Upon observing the overall learning behavior, it was found that when using Fun Truck-themed STEAM Project-based Learning, which had a step-by-step process ranging from easy to difficult, together with interesting media that could be realistically used, and appropriate reinforcement, the case studies showed a consistent improvement in development. They were possible to add up numbers with results not exceeding 100 by following the steps independently with agility, increased confidence in learning mathematics. This would serve as a foundation for studying higher-level mathematics.

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How to Cite
Donpan, W., Tongsookdee, R., Leosiripong, P., & Vittayakorn, S. (2023). ENHANCING ADDITION SKILLS OF A CHILD WITH BORDERLINE INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES USING STEAM BASED EDUCATION PROJECT. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(7), 216–225. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/266303
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