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PhramahaKraingkai Titavero


This article is an academic article. The purpose of this article was present the principle of dominance of a good leader according to the principles of Buddhism. Governing leaders and leaders of good administration leaders must have good leadership qualities, which is an important good feature of the head of the executive department down to the supervisor at all levels, to be able to govern and manage the organization to achieve success effectively high efficiency and to secure prosperity and peace. Good leadership also comes from the person who has studied. Practice and develop yourself to be a good leader according to Buddhist principles.There are many principles that relate to the presidency of a good leader, but those that have been cited as examples include: Kalayanamittham, sublime states of mind, gracing virtues and the principles of Sappurisadhamma This is to fit the situation and the era of rapid changes in the world. It is up to the leader to apply and use it for the benefit of the organizations. Currently, society is quite focused on the subject of objects rather than caring for matters of mind or morality. Many organizations have caused chaos and chaos. because of the lack of spiritual attachment. Buddhist principles can therefore be used in the process of developing and solving problems in order to bring them into practice. Because only human beings can manage a good organization. The executives will bring the principles of dominance to assemble or integrate with the current management effectively because the leader is the heart of the management. If the leader can lead in the right way or the right way, the organization will surely lead to sustainable and stable progress.

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How to Cite
Titavero, P. (2023). A GOOD LEADER ACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLES OF BUDDHISM. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(7), 315–325. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/266370
Academic Article


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