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Xueyan Hua
Methawee Yuttapongtada
Kowit Pimpuang


This research aims to study metaphorical expressions reflecting conceptual metaphors [Anti-Corruption is war] in Thai and Chinese online news based on the metaphorical framework by Lakoff and Johnson. It employs a qualitative and quantitative research method, collecting Thai language data from the Thairath online website and Matichon Online, and collecting Chinese data from Xinhua News website and Central Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission website between January 1, 2020, and April 30, 2022. The research findings are presented using a descriptive research method. This study found 24 metaphorical expressions about war in Thai online news and 61 metaphorical expressions about war in Chinese online news. The metaphorical expressions observed indicate that both Thai and Chinese speakers share the concept that [Anti-Corruption is war]. However, there are some differences in the usage of metaphorical expressions about war between Chinese online news and Thai online news. Specifically, the group fighting against the enemy represents the effort to solve corruption problems. Since anti-corruption is an important mission for the Chinese government, it aims not only to make the public understand the dangers of corruption but also to convey its standpoint and ideas regarding anti-corruption and persuade the public to cooperate in the fight against corruption. The shared concept of corruption among Thai and Chinese speakers arises from similar sociocultural experiences, while the selection of different metaphorical expressions about war is associated with different social conditions.

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How to Cite
Hua, X., Yuttapongtada, M., & Pimpuang, K. (2023). ANTI - CORRUPTION WAR: A STUDY OF CONCEPTUAL METAPHORS OF THAI AND CHINESE PEOPLE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(8), 82–94. Retrieved from
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