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Saowanee Ratnidhikunanon
Irada Soodsung
Natthatida Roengthanapiboon
Nittaya Wonsopa


This research has the objectives (1) to analyze the cost of materials used in the manufacturing of Hmong embroidered souvenirs prototypes in Kanlayaniwattana District (2) to investigate consumer satisfaction towards Hmong embroidered souvenir prototype by application of quantitative research methods.The samples used in the research were Thai tourists who traveled to Galyani Vadhana District, Chiang Mai Province. A number of 200 respondents were randomly selected (accidental sampling). The research tools were 3 diffrent types of souvenir product prototypes, namely type No. 1 children's dress, type No. 2 women's coat and type No.3 bag together with a questionnaire on the general satisfactiฤon of tourists,utility aspect, aesthetic value and manufacturing process towards development of product prototypes of Hmong embroidered souvenirs in Kanlayaniwattana District Chiang Mai Province. The data were analyzed by using percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation statistics. According to the material cost analysis, the coat that used the most materials was woman’s coat type No.2 with cost 1,398.33 THB. Meanwhile, children’s dress type No.1 was secondly placed in term of material consumption with cost 789.66 THB. The bag No.3 consumed less material with cost 705.68 THB. The results of the satisfaction study revealed that the respondents were satisfied with type No. 3, bag was evaluated with the highest mean (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 4.56 S.D. = 0.59), followed by type No. 1, children's dress was assessed with the highest mean         (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 4.52 S.D. = 0.55) and type No.2, women's coat gained high average (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.45 S.D. = 0.65).

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How to Cite
Ratnidhikunanon, S., Soodsung, I., Roengthanapiboon, N., & Wonsopa, N. (2023). THE STUDY COST AND SATISFACTION TOWARDS HMONG EMBROIDERED SOUVENIRS IN KANLAYANIWATTANA DISTRICT, CHIANG MAI. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(8), 21–34. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Saowanee Ratnidhikunanon, Faculty of Industrial Textiles and Fashion Design, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon, Bangkok



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