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Nareerat Jantawarit
Suthep Maythaisong
Jiraporn Phansawang


This research article aims to 1) study the conceptual framework of an management model towards excellence of private early childhood schools, 2) Examine the appropriateness of the management model towards excellence of private early childhood schools, 3) create and evaluations of the manual for using an management model towards excellence of private early childhood schools in the northeastern region. It was a mixed methods research. The research was conducted in 3 phases: Phase 1 studied the conceptual framework of the management model for excellence. Phase 2 examined the suitability of management towards excellence. Phase 3 created and evaluated a manual for using the management model. to excellence. The sample group used for the research was 500 teachers and early childhood private school personnel using the stratified sampling method, 7 experts selected from school licensees, directors, educational supervisors, and university professors. The research instruments were questionnaires, interview form, and an evaluation form for using the management model towards excellence of private early childhood schools in the northeastern region. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation, confirm factor analysis and sequential correlation testing for consistency in multiple decisions making. The research findings were as follows: 1) the conceptual framework of an management model towards excellence of private early childhood schools in the northeastern region consisted of 4 components and 16 indicators. 2) The results of checking the consistency and harmony of the model revealed that χ2 = 125.233, df = 98, P-Value = 0.071, CFI=0.967, TLI = 0.960, RMSEA = 0.042, SRMR = 0.032, and the structural validity and reliability existed (C.R.) at 0.988 exceeding 0.60, that featured the consistency with the empirical data. 3) The results of the evaluations of the manual for using an management model towards excellence of private early childhood schools were appropriate at a high level.

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How to Cite
Jantawarit, N., Maythaisong, S., & Phansawang, J. (2023). AN MANAGEMENT MODEL TOWARDS EXCELLENCE OF PRIVATE EARLY CHILDHOOD SCHOOLS IN THE NORTHEASTERN REGION. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(10), 156–170. retrieved from
Research Articles


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