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Sukanya Polwik
Prakob Jaiman
Sirirat Phetsangsri


The objectives of this research article are to 1) study appropriate digital competency components for vocational teachers, 2) develop a digital competency model for vocational teachers, and 3) evaluate the effectiveness of using the digital competency model for vocational teachers. Conducted in 3 phases: Phase 1: Analyze documents and related research (Document Analysis) and study the appropriate digital competency components for vocational teachers. with EDFR research techniques from Purposive Sampling 21 experts using semi-structured questionnaires and opinion questionnaires to confirm the future, it was found that the digital competency components that are suitable for vocational teachers consist of 4 aspects: Knowledge, Skills, Attributes, and Technology Application. Phase 2: Development of a digital competency model for vocational teachers drafting a digital competency model for vocational teachers using ADDIE's 5-step approach, consisting of 5 components: 1) Principles of the model, 2) Model objectives, 3) Target groups, 4) Curriculum, and 5) Evaluation and results. test model performance by the method of finding the efficiency value, E1/E2 is high according to the criteria set at 75/75 equal to 76.47/85.10. and Phase 3: Evaluate the effectiveness of using digital competency models for vocational education teachers. By comparing before - after training and actually experimenting with a sample group of vocational education teachers. under the vocational education department of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province by Purposive Selection number of 50 people using the Independent t -test statistic, a tool used to collect data. test before-after training and satisfaction assessment form. The results showed that the model after the training was significantly higher than before the training at 0.01 level and the effective index (E.I) was 0.6121 and the satisfaction assessment result. the overall picture is at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Polwik, S., Jaiman, P., & Phetsangsri, S. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF A DIGITAL COMPETENCY MODEL FOR VOCATIONAL TEACHERS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(9), 300–311. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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