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The objectives of this research were 1) to develop a legal learning management information system for producers of processed agricultural products in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. 2) to assess the satisfaction of users of the legal learning management information system of producers of processed agricultural products. This research is research and development. The sample group in this research is 30 entrepreneurs of processed products according to the identity of Khao Pa Na Le, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, selected using purposive sampling. The research tools are Legal learning management information system and user satisfaction questionnaire and the statistics used for data analysis are mean and standard deviation. The results of the research found that 1) developing the system SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) system development principles are used, starting from gathering information and user needs, analyzing data and needs, designing, and developing information systems, validation and testing the accuracy of system and evaluation of information systems. Development of a legal learning management information system for producers of processed agricultural products. The researcher developed it as a web application using the languages ASP.NET, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and used Visual Studio as a system development tool. The system developed by the researcher is designed to have a responsive display that results on screens of various sizes. Users of the information system can access or search legal information related to producers of processed agricultural products on their phones, tablets, and computers. 2) satisfaction with the legal learning management information system of processed agricultural product producers from a sample of users of the system was at a highest level with a mean of 4.58 and a standard deviation of 0.48. In conclusion, the information system developed according to the objectives is effective and satisfactory to the users.
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