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Apichart Thavewat
Pensiri Chartniyom


The research is a mixed-methods research both quantitative and qualitative. The objectives of the research are: 1) to study and analyze cultural identity characteristics that will be used in the community product display area 2) to design a prototype area based on the concept of creating an identity for the community product display area and adjusting the format according to the characteristics of the area and 3) to create knowledge in allocating space for community exhibitions which has special characteristics that can be adjusted in size. The research sample area chosen for this study is Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. The research findings reveal that, study of cultural identity, community product exhibition area. The researcher has designated Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province as a sample area. Perform systematic analysis and synthesis. The highest average score evaluation result = 5.00 was History and Archaeology. Architecture of religious places, temples and craftsmen's fields is the basketry of carp Used to create 4 categories of identity: identity shape Identity pattern Identity color and Identity material. These identities help create clear recognition and can better communicate your identity in the exhibition space. Including product grouping Displaying products that helps promote a good image. The researcher has designed and created 4 prototype display areas, scaling up to a double-sized space that can be arranged and connected as needed. The design has taken into account the beauty of the environment within the space. Able to express identity appropriately Make it memorable Create more confidence in the product Exhibition space design Therefore, it is an important area used as a center for communicating identity to consumers, linking to design that is an important factor in spatial creativity. To distribute products that reflect identity and enhance the image of the community.

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How to Cite
Thavewat, A., & Chartniyom, P. (2023). IDENTITY DESIGN FOR COMMERCIAL SPACE OF COMMUNITY’S PRODUCTS AND MODIFICATION GUIDELINES FOLLOWING AREA SIZE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(11), 48–63. Retrieved from
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