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Renu Sorrahong
Chaowarit Jongkatkorn


The purpose of this journal was to 1) study the component of the administrative excellence model of Beach Volleyball, 30 keys informants by purposive sampling and collecting data with questionnaire. 2) Develop and verify the administrative excellence model of Beach Volleyball of Danchangwittaya school, 13 target group were experts to verify a propriety and feasibility. 3) to implement the administrative excellence model, 39 target group were administrators, teachers, teachers responsible management for Beach Volleyball, person responsible management for Beach Volleyball, expert for sport management, the instrument is the evaluate of administrative excellence model. 4. to assess the satisfaction of involved to the administrative excellence model, 323 samplings were administrators, teachers, basic education committee, parents and students, the instrument is the satisfaction evaluate form, statistic in this phase used the mean and Standard Deviation. This research design for mixed method research and this research found that’s; 1. the components of the administrative excellence model of Beach Volleyball of Danchangwittaya school were 6 components namely planning, organization, management, competency development, controlling and continuous quality Improvement. 2. The develop and verify of administrative excellence model by Propriety and Feasibility was at a highest level (µ = 4.68, s = .74) 3. The implement of the administrative excellence model of Beach Volleyball was at a highest level 4. the satisfaction of involved to the administrative excellence model of Beach Volleyball was at a highest level.(gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.82, SD = .72)

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How to Cite
Sorrahong, R., & Jongkatkorn, C. (2023). THE ADMINISTRATIVE EXCELLENCE MODEL OF BEACH VOLLEYBALL OF DANCHANGWITTAYA SCHOOL UNDER THE SECONDARY EDUCATION AREA OFFICE 9. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(11), 112–123. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Chaowarit Jongkatkorn, Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Nakhon Sawan Campus, Nakhon Sawan Province



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